Sunday, February 3, 2008

Now we're just in like...

Here's another lengthy post for you... I'm just pulling out all this old art I have from high school at this point...
One year in animation we decided, in honor of the new Legacy of Kain game, to have a little throwdown to see who could draw Raziel the best. I won. I'm actually proud of it except that his hair and his wings are blowing in different directions o_O

Old character I used to draw a lot. I recently redid this design, I'll post that when I get it pretty. Natan Josua, bad ass slick shit super hero type guy. I put much more character into the new design, I hope you like it when I get it.

My desktop wallpaper! My first real thing I did in photoshop, I think. I'm pretty proud of it, considering my lack of experience with the program. Julio Calavera, El Esqueleto. Pitfighter, pistolero, undead hired gun. He's super cool, I swear. He usually appears as a skeleton, I got one of those in the works that looks great.

Cartoonified version of my character Meat. That big hook he carries can be thrown at your face, the chains tighten to shut the claw segment on your face. I have affectionately dubbed it the Nosepicker.

Another one of Yosh, burning American flags. At one point in the continuity I wanted his country to go to war with America. Pardon the art, I was in high school... This is actually my first drawing ever with any sort of background. As such, I think it's ok... Maybe I should redraw it and see what five years of better experience could do?

Yosh's brother Natan Isi. Came out OK, again, I should redo it. The claws came out sick, I think...

Soral. He's a seraph. There is not much else to say. It's old and largely hideous.

I like Megaman, so this is my Maverick Firestorm Fox. He has pilot lights on his fingertips and gas vents in his palm. I thought it was kinda sick. The art really sucks though...

Logo I did for a punk band in high school. They said, "Make it look like Toxic Narcotic!" So I made it look like Toxic Narcotic. Then they said, "It's too clean!" Well GAWD! Be more desciptive and you'll get better results! Cripes...

Moving on OUT of high school and into a less depressing trip down memory lane and crappy art...

My album cover for my technofunk stuff. I thought it came out fairly well considering it was the second thing I ever did in photoshop. You can check the sounds out at

I wanted to put this on T Shirts, but the skull looks like CRAP! I'll try and do a better one, because otherwise I really like it. I wanted to put it on the ribs. Sicky sicky, no?

For a while I was geeking on anthropomorphic characters. This is Grizzly Joe, a sheriff who slaughtered a group of criminals in his rage. Seeking inner peace, he traveled east to study the art of bushido, returning to the west to bring justice to the world... I like him a lot. I'll try and draw him with his poncho and hat soon...

OK, I guess we returned to high school. Back in high school I had this idea for a webcomic called Frankie the Reluctant Prophet. Frankie is a socially awkward mallgoth who talks to his pet frog and his plastic garden flamingo. He also talks to God. I never went through with it, as it lacked sustainability. It would get old.

Hopefully I'll have some new stuff within the next week, which will be MUCH better than this crap... I'm just posting because I can.

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