Monday, November 29, 2010

I believe in the enemy!

In case you hadn't heard, Bill Wade just does not give a shit. Not even half of one.

Friday, November 26, 2010


No clever title. No real text or anything. Just a drawing. Text says Live Fast, Die Faster. Bye

Louder Than God's Revolver...

A while back I posted a drawing of a girl digging a hole. This is the book ready version, with grayscale color. Despite the shovel not being straight, it looks good. I don't care enough to redraw it.
The ALMOST final redesign of Whiplash's costume. Yay or nay on the rings surrounding the goggles? I am going to color this tomorrow.

Bill. He looks cross. Very cross indeed. Will color this also.
As an aside that is topical, I just downloaded Gimp... It's like photoshop for broke-asses. I like it!